Blinding minds with technocratic IoT

Red-pilled! Did the 2016 US Presidential landslide by Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton open your political eyes? For many, it inevitably did. If so, you might’ve been further “red-pilled” or awakened by other globalist technopolitical realities like: (1) IBM had leased its Hollerith punched-card machine to Nazi Germany, and (2) mathematical flaws have exaggerated global-warming models for decades.

In my previous post, I wondered: “Not only is technopolitics a technological form of political action, it might also be a political form of technological action.” This concept strongly applies to the Hollerith tabulator technology, and loosely applies to the global-warming calculations rather than any direct carbon-creating technology. But, along these lines, what about the technocratic Internet of Things?

Technocratic IoT

Technocratic IoT

Hi, my name is Jay, and I’m an IBM TRIRIGA information developer at IBM. In fact, IBM TRIRIGA falls under the IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT) business unit. So it’s hard to avoid any IoT news. But as IoT struggles with smart homes, driverless vehicles, and security attacks, one big question always lurks in the shadows: When will globalist technological elites exploit IoT to regulate your freedoms?

What is the Internet of Things? What is IoT?

Two years ago, in a previous post, I explored the dark hyperconnected IoT vision behind the motto “Everything is connected. Connection is power.” from “Watch Dogs”, the open-world action-adventure video game released by Ubisoft in May 2014. But for those of you still unfamiliar with the Internet of Things and its exponential evolution, here are several excerpts from Infogalactic, IBM, and Cisco.

According to Gartner, Inc. (a technology research and advisory corporation), there will be nearly 20.8 billion devices on the internet of things by 2020. ABI Research estimates that more than 30 billion devices will be wirelessly connected to the internet of things by 2020. As per a recent survey and study done by Pew Research Internet Project, a large majority of the technology experts and engaged Internet users who responded — 83 percent — agreed with the notion that the Internet/Cloud of Things, embedded and wearable computing (and the corresponding dynamic systems) will have widespread and beneficial effects by 2025…

Over the past century, but accelerating over the past couple of decades, we have seen the emergence of a kind of global data field. The planet itself — natural systems, human systems, physical objects — have always generated an enormous amount of data, but we didn’t used to be able to hear it, to see it, to capture it. Now we can because all of this stuff is now instrumented. And it’s all interconnected, so now we can actually have access to it. So, in effect, the planet has grown a central nervous system…

Currently, the Internet of Things is made up of a loose collection of disparate purpose-built networks. Today’s cars, for example, have multiple networks to control engine function, safety features, communication systems, and so on. But as the Internet of Things evolves, we’ll see these networks interconnect with added security, analytics, and management capabilities. Already, Internet of Things projects are under way that promise to close the gap between poor and rich, improve distribution of the world’s resources to those who need them most, and help us understand our planet so we can be more proactive and less reactive…

Cisco: How the Internet of Things Will Change Everything (YouTube: 3 minutes)

Cisco: How the Internet of Things Will Change Everything (YouTube: 3 minutes)

What is a technocracy? What is a technocrat?

In the same “Watch Dogs” post, I observed: “What might be more chilling is that the Central Operating System fantasy only represents the scale of a Smarter City, while the Internet of Things reality spans the scale of a Smarter Planet!” The global foundation of a technocratic IoT? For those unfamiliar with the concept of technocracy, here are several excerpts from Infogalactic, Seeker Daily, and Infowars.

Technocracy is an organizational structure or system of governance where decision-makers are selected on the basis of technological knowledge. The concept of a technocracy remains mostly hypothetical. Technocrats, a term used frequently by journalists in the twenty-first century, can refer to individuals exercising governmental authority because of their knowledge.

Technocrat has come to mean either “a member of a powerful technical elite” or “someone who advocates the supremacy of technical experts”. Examples include scientists, engineers, and technologists who have special knowledge, expertise, or skills, and would compose the governing body, instead of people elected through political parties and businesspeople. In a technocracy, decision makers would be selected based upon how knowledgeable and skillful they are in their field…

So what exactly is a technocrat? Or technocracy? Well, technocrats in the general sense are technical experts who hold political office. They differ from regular politicians because they have more specialized expertise in non-political fields. Usually, these academic professionals function as advisors. But in a technocracy, they themselves rule. They are often elected for their specific skills that complement whatever crisis a nation is going through.

Technocracies are heavily associated with communist governments, although the political philosophy was also briefly popular in the United States during the Depression era. In the Soviet Union, beginning in the 1930s, many engineering experts were promoted into political leadership, creating what might’ve been the first technocratic government. Today, there are no truly functioning technocracies. China, however, is sometimes called a technocracy because their leading political party is an elite group of experts from many fields…

Seeker Daily: What Is A Technocracy? (YouTube: 3 minutes)

Seeker Daily: What Is A Technocracy? (YouTube: 3 minutes)

Technocracy, in my opinion, is the end goal of the global elite… [T]his was the plan that the Trilateral Commission started or kicked off in 1973, when they said they’re going to foster a “New International Economic Order” (NIEO)… [W]hen Zbigniew Brzezinski… partnered up with David Rockefeller to start the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski was a professor of political science at Columbia University. Brzezinski and Rockefeller together saw that they could use technocracy as a replacement economic system to dominate the resources of the world…

But their mindset is they don’t need public approval to do what science says they should do. So if they can justify whatever it is they’re going to do, according to the scientific method, they feel, “We’ll just do it.” That’s dangerous thinking, that somebody else would be running your life for you, like they know better than you, and you got nothing, no say about it. You know? You can go here, you can go there. You can’t go here, you can’t go there. You can’t buy this, you can’t buy that. You know, you have to ride a bicycle to work 3 days a week…

The global warming, whole subject, topic of global warming, is not the end. It’s only the means to an end. If I scare you to death with global warming, so you’ve got to do something, you have to do something today, the only solution that there is being held up by the United Nations is sustainable development, which I say, is warmed-over technocracy from the 1930s. This was a replacement economic system. So they scare you with this over here, and they want you to run into the arms of sustainable development. They don’t give you any other options…

The so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution” concerns the Internet of Things, it concerns artificial intelligence, and it concerns robotics. And it’s expected within 10 years that robotics may well displace up to 50 percent of all the workers in the world that do anything, especially in America… Technocracy is not a myth, it’s real. And people need to see this as another, I call it a “Fifth Column” of bad actors in the world. They’re not politicians. They’re not communists. They’re not socialists. They’re technocrats. They, I tell you, they have a different view of the world, and a different agenda that we need to uncover and expose.

Infowars: Technocracy Rising - The Scientific Elite’s Global Matrix of Control (YouTube: 9 minutes)

Infowars: Technocracy Rising – The Scientific Elite’s Global Matrix of Control (YouTube: 9 minutes)

What is the globalist technocratic IoT?

In my previous post, I noticed a pattern: “But now, by recognizing the battle lines between globalist correctness and nationalist self-expression, it’s easier to see where the Alt-Right might fight to rewrite EU-style multinational trade deals and UN-led multi-stakeholder Internet deals.” Then, at the top of this post, I asked: “When will globalist technological elites exploit IoT to regulate your freedoms?”

My answer: “Probably sooner than we think.” On the one hand, globalist Internet corporations such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter are openly censoring our searches, posts, and tweets for being too “fascist”, “racist”, or “sexist” for their politics. On the other hand, globalist Internet corporations such as Amazon, Netflix, and Uber are quietly collecting data on our shopping, watching, and riding habits.

Since the United States gave up its direct oversight of ICANN on 30 September 2016, it’s no longer so remote to imagine a scenario where Communist China is tempted to push its own authoritarian policy across the Internet through the more-corruptible “multi-stakeholder” ICANN model. Or launch DDoS attacks with massive Mirai-infected botnets powered by IoT cameras, televisions, even refrigerators.

If you overlap all of these layers together, knowing that Facebook has collaborated with Communist China to develop a censorship tool, then you might also imagine a scenario where many or most of these globalist Internet corporations are tempted to collaborate with the corrupt United Nations, and to launch their own technopolitical agendas and attacks across the technocratic Internet of Things.

What are my final thoughts?

Red-pilled yet? When I overlap all of these layers and patterns together, it’s difficult to ignore the politically-engineered relationship between the global-warming scare and the technological surge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution over the last four decades. So, if global warming was never caused by human technology, do we really need the cloud, robotics, AI, and IoT to replace human workers?

In fact, in another previous post, I noticed another pattern. If we overlap the layer of geopolitical trade deals such as TPP, TTIP, and TISA, “the common thread or threat is the ever-growing global economic power of multinational corporations over sovereign nations.” Clearly, the highly-centralized economy of multinational corporations aligns with the highly-connected technology of the Internet of Things.

In other words, if too many corporate elites are convinced that human workers are too costly for the globalist economy, too unreliable for globalist technology, too wasteful for globalist sustainability, and too political for globalist society, then an authoritarian technocracy led by the United Nations or China and enforced by the technocratic IoT will be inevitable. If so, welcome to the New World Order.

Luckily, more citizens, workers, and voters are “red-pilled” every day. In a time when the people voted for the populist Donald Trump over the corrupt globalist establishment, anything is possible… again.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God Bless America!

Technocratic IoT

Technocratic IoT

Do I have an update?

Four years after blinding minds with IoT, I saw the world injecting the CCP virus into BTC highs!

CCP Virus & BTC Highs

CCP Virus & BTC Highs

Seven years after blinding minds with technocratic IoT, I was riding Oumuamua to Elohim mayhem!



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2 thoughts on “Blinding minds with technocratic IoT

  1. Pingback: Planon: Who should own the Building Internet of Things? | TRIRIGAFEEDIA

  2. Pingback: Riding Oumuamua to Elohim mayhem |

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