Trading Agile silos for Spicy rotations

Variety! Last weekend, my little brother flew into town to attend a Las Vegas conference, and this rare occasion gave us the perfect excuse to explore a variety of mouth-watering restaurants. One thing we heartily agreed on was the enjoyment of rotating our food styles, for example, from the local I Love Sushi rolls to Settebello pizza to the Bellagio breakfast buffet to Kabuki sushi rolls.

In a nutshell, variety is the spice of life! Similarly, before IBM acquired TRIRIGA in 2011, despite our Waterfall-style methodology, “I enjoyed a broader cross-project and cross-product perspective of the release-wide documentation changes” where I wasn’t “pigeon-holed into a project-specific Agile silo”. In other words, I experienced a more-stimulating variety of project and product challenges.

Agile silos

Agile silos

Hi, my name is Jay, and I’m an IBM TRIRIGA information developer at IBM. So if this “spicy” attitude works well with my dining choices, why can’t I apply it to my Agile team choices? Even if software developers and quality assurance testers don’t have a preference, why shouldn’t I break out of my own Agile silo and rotate my product-specific Agile teams as an information developer?
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